N.H. 52, Bhadhadar, Sikar (Raj.) - 332315

Swami Keshwanand Institute Of Technical Education


    9829219402, 9672989433


The civil engineers also play a big role in the construction of building, bridges, canals, irrigation system, Railways etc. They Design various structures of building, bridges, Dams, Roads, sewerage system etc. The department is fully reformative and continuously reshaping its labs features, faculty and other requirements as per the latest demand.

This Department also takes care of the level of training required for placement of the students.

Our Vision for Civil Students

  • Keep pace with the advancing Civil Engineering technologies
  • Develop a sense of self-discipline, social responsibility and co-operative work attitude
  • Play a commendable role in prosperity of human civilization and protection of human civilization from extinction.

Mission Statement for Civil Dept. Provide a teaching learning environment through which students learn the art of development and sustainability in the five major domains of civil engineering namely:

  • Land Resources
  • Infrastructure development
  • Water Resources
  • Environmental science and resources
  • Remote sensing
  • Energy


There by lead the Nation in providing Quality Education. Training and Activities

  • As part of Curriculum, students undertake visits to reputed Organizations Like CSIR - SERC.
  • Expert lectures and training by different consultants.
  • Co curricular activities like technical quiz, group discussions etc.
  • Site visits to construction facilities.
  • Faculty and students participate in various professional enriching activities by presenting and publishing papers.